Personal data collection charter
for customers and / or esf students

In the framework of the services that it proposes, the esf may collect the personal data of its users.

The purpose of this charter is to describe the methods by which the esf uses said data in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation applicable from 25 May 25 2018). 

1. Did you know?

Ski instructors for esf adopt a self-employed status to exercise their profession.

They come together locally in French Ski Schools to organize the teaching, supervision and animation of skiing and other winter sports disciplines in resorts.
To ensure the defense of their interests they also group together in Local Unions endowed with juridical entity. There is only one Local Union per resort.
The name « French Ski School » or esf is authorized by the National Syndicate of French Ski Instructors (S.N.M.S.F) created in 1945. Its objective is to organize the profession by insuring the instructors are independent in terms of organization and teaching.
When you benefit from esf services, your personal data is therefore processed by both the Local Union and the S.N.M.S.F., each responsible for processing the data for their own purposes.

In other words:
  • The Local Union processes your data to manage its contractual relationship with you (invoicing, payment, managing bookings, etc..), to carry out marketing campaigns and to comply with its legal obligations.
  • The S.N.M.S.F. processes your data because it manages the central computer booking system which allows the Local Unions to collect the data necessary to organize its esf services. The S.N.M.S.F manages this computer system for CRM processing needs.

2. What data is collected?

a. General case
Your personal data collected upon voluntary booking (online or in person) with or without prior reservation are as follows:
  • Surname;
  • First name;
  • Date of birth;
  • Level of teaching;
  • Language(s) spoken ;
  • Postal address;
  • E-mail address;
  • Telephone number.

b. Photographs or videos
The customer authorises, free of charge, the esf instructors, a company participating on behalf of the esf and / or an independent photographer as part of a service which will be offered (after taking the images) by the latter to the client, to photograph him/ her and / or film them during the lessons given by the instructors of this esf and followed by the client and / or during competitions organized by this esf in which the client participates.
The customer authorizes the esf, the provider of the esf having participated on behalf of the latter in the taking and / or use of the images (examples: shooting, video editing, etc.) and / or the independent photographer within the framework of the aforementioned service, the case where appropriate, to use, in particular by reproduction, representation, projection and adaptation, these images (photographs or videos), on their website, their social networks or any other material media such as leaflets, prospectuses, posters and other advertising.
This authorization is granted for the whole world and for a period of 5 years from the capture of said images.
If the client is a minor, the client's parents grant to the esf, to the providers of the esf above and / or to the independent photographer as part of the aforementioned service the authorization to photograph, film and use the image of their child, under the same conditions.

c. esf competition results
If you have taken part in esf competitions, your results are public and are displayed in the Local Union premises and online.

d. Bank data
Bank data transmitted during bookings are not collected by the Local Union or the S.N.M.S.F. Encryption technology is used by our service provider to secure your transactions.

3. For what purpose?

Your personal data is collected to exercise esf activities.

They are kept (globally and anonymously) for statistical purposes.
We only ask you for data that is strictly necessary to run our esf services smoothly and to protect your vital interests.
If a third party (see below) needs to use your personal data, we make sure that they are able to protect it.
We thus hold a legitimate interest in using your personal data and this use does not infringe your freedom and your interests.

4. Who receives the data?

In order to guarantee quality services, your data is intended for:
  • The management team of your resort’s Local Union;
  • Your esf instructor;
  • The IT department of the S.N.M.S.F.
  • To our IT subcontractors (technical services) and e-commerce web developers (sales analysis, CRM tools;
  • Local authorities if the law requires us to.

5. Data security

Les informations recueillies sont enregistrées dans un fichier informatisé sécurisé du Syndicat Local et du S.N.M.S.F. 
Des mesures adéquates sont prises sur le plan de la technique (ex : pares-feux) et de l’organisation (ex : identifiant/mot de passe, moyens de protection physique, etc.) pour protéger vos données contre la destruction, la perte ou l’altération, l’utilisation détournée et l’accès non autorisée, la modification ou la divulgation, que ces actions soient illicites ou accidentelles.

6. Your rights

You have the right to oppose, access, rectify and delete your data personal data.

To exercise this right, you must contact the Local Union by clicking on the following link: Contact

7. Conservation period

The collected data is kept, archived and then anonymized by the Local Union and the S.N.M.S.F.
Before being anonymized, customer and student data is archived for 10 years from the booking date for accounting purposes (as invoices must be kept for 10 years from the end of the financial year).
Before being archived, the data is kept in the « active database » of the Local Union for 3 consecutive seasons for prospecting purposes. At the end of the aforementioned period, they will be archived if you do not respond to any solicitation by the esf.

8. Cookies and web beacons

a. Cookies
A « cookie » is an information file sent to your web browser and saved on your terminal (e.g. computer, smartphone). This file includes information such as your domain name, your internet service provider, your operating system, and the date and time of your access.
If you visit the Local Union’s website, they are likely to process information about your activity such as the pages viewed, the searches carried out. This information is intended to improve the content of the site and your navigation.
You can configure your browser to restrict your terminal from storing cookies. Your experience on the website may then be limited.

b. Web beacons
The Local Union may occasionally use web beacons (or « tags ») in order to assess your responses to its website and the effectiveness of its actions (e.g. the number of times a page has been visited).

PAGE UPDATED: 28/08/2020